Barnes & Smith Added To Dodgers Mural Instead Of Julio Urias
Dodgers get rid of Julio Urias' murals
With each passing day, there is less evidence that Julio Urias had a successful career with the Los Angeles Dodgers and that he gave them their final World Series ring before the alleged act of fury against him terminated his professional and personal lives. He must currently answer to the American legal system.
The fans have removed him from a fresco in the bowels of Dodger Stadium. The fresco is located at the box-level entrance in the right field and was covered earlier this month after Urias was arrested on distrust of domestic violence outside BMO Stadium.
The cover has already been removed, exposing these pictures of catchers Austin Barnes and Will Smith in the place that Urias formerly occupied.
Fans condemn Julio Urias’ actions
As a result of the allegations of violence against his partner, the Dodgers have already removed Urias’ name from the locker room, his image from the Mexican flag mural inside the stadium, and his stats from the record books. It appears that Urias’ time with the team will be forgotten forever.
The muralist, Jonas Never, posted a picture of his updated work on Instagram along with the caption, “I had to spend a few days adding @will.smith and @austin.barnes5 to the Dodgers 2020 World Series mural.”
Last week, Jonas Never wrote on Instagram, “Nice to be able to give the catchers some love.” “I also have another mural in progress at the stadium (not on old walls…a new one).”