WNBA expansion: Denver makes a strong case for a team

The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) is considering expanding to Denver. The city has a strong track record of supporting women’s basketball, with two previous professional teams. The Denver Nuggets, the city’s NBA team, have also been successful in recent years, which could help to create a buzz around a new WNBA team.
For expansion, Denver must provide the WNBA with a financial commitment of $15 million. The city would also need to secure a suitable arena and demonstrate that there is a strong demand for women’s basketball.
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There are a few things that Denverites can do to help the city’s chances of getting a WNBA team. First, they can watch WNBA playoff games on TV. The league is looking at which markets are contributing to its ratings, and Denver can make a strong case by showing that there is a big audience for women’s basketball in the city.
Second, Denverites can indulge in marketing campaigns to show the WNBA that the city is excited about the possibility of a new team. This could include organizing watch parties, attending games in other cities, and wearing WNBA gear.
By working together, Denverites can help to make the city a more attractive option for the WNBA. With a strong financial commitment, a suitable arena, and a passionate fan base, Denver could be the next city to get a WNBA team.
Overall, Denver is a strong contender for WNBA expansion. With the community’s support, the city could be home to a new team in the near future.