Double Dribble in Basketball: Ways to Avoid It

Dribbling in basketball is a very tricky skill. One mistake here and there can cost the player and his team a violation. The most common violation is a double dribble violation.

Double Dribble in Basketball: Ways to Avoid It

In basketball, one of the most basic skills for any basketball player to have is ball handling. While there are many different aspects to ball handling, one of the most important is dribbling. However, dribbling is a very tricky skill. One mistake here and there can cost the player and his team a violation. The most common violation is a double dribble violation. This article discusses what double dribble means, how it is called, its consequences and tips on how to avoid it.

What is double dribble in basketball?

A double dribble violation is when a player dribbles the ball with both hands simultaneously or stops dribbling and then starts dribbling again. The three types of double dribble violations are:

Carrying the ball: This is when a player holds it for too long while dribbling or uses his palm to push or carry the ball instead of bouncing it.

Dribbling with two hands: This happens when a player dribbles the ball with both hands simultaneously, which is not allowed.

Starting and stopping dribble: This happens when a player starts dribbling, stops, then picks up the ball and starts dribbling again.

How a double dribble violation is called?

Any of the three referees on the court may call the double dribble violation if a player is found to have made any of the mentioned fouls and award possession of the ball to the opposition through either a throw-in or a free throw, depending on the specific circumstances of the violation.

Instances of this violation

Double dribble violation can occur in several instances, with two of the most common being:

  • A player stops dribbling and then resumes dribbling after a pause. This frequently happens when a player is uncertain of their next move or is trying to create space for themselves.
  • A player catches the ball after it bounces and then continues to dribble. This action is a violation since the player has already picked up the ball.


Consequences for a double dribble violation may vary based on the level of competition. Usually, the player and the team lose possession of the ball if a double dribble violation is called.

However, in some circumstances, double dribbles may cause a technical foul or free throw for the opposing team.

Tips to avoid this violation

Improve ball handling skills: Players should practice dribbling with both hands individually, master crossover moves, and learn to change direction quickly.

Understand the rules of the game: One must clearly understand the double dribble violation to avoid it.

Techniques to avoid double dribble

You can practice specific techniques to prevent a double dribble violation. To avoid this violation, here are some practice techniques you can follow:

Develop strong dribbling skills: Practice dribbling with each hand separately and work on your ball control. This will help you maintain control of the ball while dribbling and reduce the chances of accidentally double dribbling.

Be aware of your dribble: Pay attention to your dribbling motion and avoid lifting or stopping your dribble prematurely. Keep your eyes up and scan the court to make smart decisions while dribbling.

Practice changing hands smoothly: Work on your ability to switch hands during a dribble without pausing or hesitating. This will allow you to transition between dribbles without picking up the ball and prevent double dribble violations.

Practice and repetition are key to developing good habits and avoiding double-dribble violations. Stay focused, control the ball, and remember the rules while dribbling.

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